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Shri Dharampal, the author of "The Beautiful Tree" and "Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth
Century", among other seminal works, passed away on 24th October at Sevagram (Gandhi's ashram) near Wardha (Maharashtra). The cremation was held at Sevagram on the 26th.

His books are based on British documents of surveys conducted in India. He excelled at dispelling colonial
myths about India and at bringing out the real strengths, achievements and working of the Indian society. His complete works were published a few years ago by Other India Press, Goa, in six volumes.

"Today India is more illiterate than it was fifty or hundred years ago." - Gandhiji at the Royal Institute of International
Affairs , London, Oct 1931

"The British would like us to believe that it [India] was very, very backward, but their own records show
that this was far from the case."
- Makarand Paranjape, Professor of English, Jawaharlal Nehru University

A collection of online articles on Shri Dharampal, his work and books is available at:

For more information about Shri Dharampal and his seminal work, please contact Center for Indian
Knowledge System ( http://www.ciks.org), Samanvaya (http://www.samanvaya.com/) or Sevagram, Wardha.

I would like to pay a tribute to Dr. Indumati Khadgare, who is a great aatman dedicated to the cause of the Beautiful Tree, the cause of education in Bharatam, who has within 6 months translated the monumental works of Shri Dharmpal into Gujarati in 13 volumes.

s. kalyanaraman

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