Tamil Brahmi
potsherds found at urn burial site

T. S. Subramanian
A Tamil-Brahmi inscribed potsherd with inscription reading "a-m"
found at an urn burial site at Marungur in Cuddalore district,
Tamil Nadu. Photo: K.Rajan
Discovery, near Vadalur, opens new chapter in research
Three potsherds with Tamil Brahmi inscriptions have been discovered
in an urn burial site at Marungur, 17 km from Vadalur in Cuddalore
The broken pots with the inscriptions were placed in urns that
could have contained the bodies of the dead or their bones. This
is the first time that such inscribed pots, with Tamil Brahmi
letters, placed as grave goods in urn burials, have been recovered
from any archaeological site in Tamil Nadu. This opens a new chapter
in archaeological research in the State, say three specialists
in Tamil Brahmi inscriptions. They are K. Rajan, professor of
History, Pondicherry University; Y. Subbarayalu, head, Indology,
French Institute of Pondicherry; and V. Vedachalam, retired senior
epigraphist, Tamil Nadu Archaeology Department.
Such inscribed potsherds carrying personal names were earlier
found at habitational sites at Arikamedu in Puducherry, Kodumanal
near Erode, and Azhagankulam in Ramanathapuram district, but rarely
at burial sites. Only two cist burials at Kodumanal and Porunthal
in Dindigul district have yielded potsherds with Tamil Brahmi
inscriptions. But Marungur is an urn burial site.
It was J.R. Sivaramakrishnan, a lecturer in History, Annamalai
University, who first noticed and collected the potsherds when
an earthmover dug up the soil for strengthening the Vadalur-Panrutti
Road at Marungur. Three red-ware urns with capstones were exposed,
but the earthmover smashed the urns and the capstones. The potsherds
with Tamil Brahmi inscriptions were inside three different urns.
Several grave goods (pottery) were exposed along with the urns.
Of the three potsherds, one can be nearly fully assembled, and
it has five Tamil Brahmi letters reading a-ti-y(a)-ka-n.'
This could probably be read as Atiykan.' As the front portion
of the potsherd is broken, the preceding word, if any, is not
known. The second potsherd has four letters, of which two are
Tamil Brahmi, reading a-m.' The remaining two are graffiti
marks, resembling the Indus script, says Dr. Rajan. The front
portion of the potsherd is missing.
The third has three letters, reading ma-la-a,' and the end
portion has not been found. It looks as if all the three
inscriptions are personal names. Palaeographically, the inscriptions
may be dated to the first century B.C. say the three specialists.
For the first time, in the lower Cauvery delta, Tamil Brahmi
letters inscribed on pots were found in an urn burial site in
an insignificant village in Tamil Nadu, says Dr. Rajan. The
discovery conveys, in clear terms, that buried grave goods also
carried inscribed pots. Besides, it shows literacy had reached
interior villages in the first century B.C. itself. The names
inscribed on the pots were, perhaps, the names of the dead persons
whose bodies were kept in the urns.
Others who examined the potsherds were N. Alagappan, head of the
Department of History, Annamalai University; S. Kannan, P. Kalaiselvan
and E. Manamaran.
There are a number of references to urn burials in Sangam poems.
At Marungur, there is also an early historic habitational mound,
called Erikaraimodu' and Pidarikollai' that yielded
black and red ware, bricks and terracotta artefacts on the southern
side of the village. A preliminary survey suggested that Marungur
must have existed from the first century B.C. A planned excavation
may yield important data on the urn burial culture and its relation
to the early historic Tamil Nadu, as the site seems to be rich
in inscribed pottery, say Dr. Rajan and Dr. Vedachalam.
Keywords: escavation, Tamil Brahmi, urn.