Buddhist antiques
unearthed at Peruvaje
Udupi, April 7, 2012, DHNS:
Buddhist antiques of Satavahana period were unearthed at Peruvaje
in Dakshina Kannada. The Buddhist relics were found on the slopes
of a small hill near Jaladurga temple. One of the Buddhist antique
unearthed at Peruvaje in Dakshina Kannada district.

According to a press release issued by M S R S College,
Shirva, Department of Ancient History and Archeology Professor
T Murugeshi,the antiques consist of a Buddhas head which
is of 12 cms in height and a flake of Bodisatva face which is
of 9 cms in width and 9 cms in height. It is made out of soft
soap stone (balapa).
The face of the Buddhas head is totally damaged.
It has long ears and a small ushnisha over the head.
These features indicate that the image is of Buddhas head
which dates back to the 7th century AD.
The flake of Bodisatva face having lower portion
of an ear on right side, right eye is in intact and opened, eye
ball shown very prominently within the deep and broad eye cup,
a small part of left eye can be visible. It has two cm long nose
with broad nostrils and thick smiling lips. From nose to chin
it is two cms in length.
This clearly indicates the image is proportionately prepared.
The release said facial expression, eyes and nose resembles with
that of Yaksha image of Igunda and Naga image of Banavasi in North
Kanara and human heads of Sannati in Gulbarga, which belongs to
Satavahana period. On the basis of iconographical similarity it
can be dated back to the second century A.D.
Two bull heads, two headless torsos of the bulls and one bull
with the head and another human leg was also found at the site.
Anatomical details of the bulls are really marvelous. The bull
heads are very beautiful and having projected eye balls as in
the case of Bodisatva face and they have striking similarities
with that of animal figures found at Sannati of Satavahana period,
the release said.
The original source of these antiquities is not known. In Jaladurga
temple the presiding deity is now worshipped in linga
The temple is renovated. At Tellaru in Karkala taluk, there is
a Jaladurga temple wh re the presiding deity is sitting in Pralambasana
and holding a child on her left lap. This is a dominant feature
of the Buddhist goddess Hariti, who is known as a fertility goddess,
the release added.
Murugeshi says I got an old record in Peruvaje Guttu house.
In that Kannada record different types of gold and silver ornaments
are described. Among them Kirita is about one and
half Seru in weight. Two bangles are also mentioned
along with other ornaments. This record dates back to 1930.
During that period the presiding deity might have been in human
form and not in linga form as it is now. The bali devata
is very small and unable to bare ornaments of that weight and