Dear Sir/Madam
Recent advances in the field of Sanskrit studies, Archeology, rumismatics
are advancing the frontiers of knowledge with a speed difficult
to cope up. However; due to new communication techniques it has
become much easier to keep in touch with this knowledge with the
help of Internet. Institute for Oriental Study, Thane, through its
website, is trying to keep its members
informed with latest happenings in these fields.
Library is also growing with new books and manuscripts being added
to it. This year we are trying to publish a catalogue of manuscripts
in our possession. Our Library is already on our website and we
are also trying to add our Manuscripts Collection to it.
Institute through
its various activities like Lectures, Exhibitions and Seminars is
trying to keep its members well informed in the field of orientology.
I am happy to
present this calendar of events of the year 2005. Your participation
will be highly encouraging to us. If you need any more information
do to not hesitate to write to us.
Thanking you,
With warm regards.
Yours Sincerely
(Dr. V. V. Bedekar)
President, Institute for Oriental Study, Thane