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March 28, 2002

INSTITUTE FOR ORIENTAL STUDY, THANE, is a voluntary organisation working for the promotion of Indian Culture, history, civilisation and Sanskrit language. It is registered both under Societies Registration Act and Bombay (Maharashtra) Public Trusts Act. Donations to the Institute are exempt from Income Tax Act under under section 80(g).

The Institute conducts seminars, tutorials, discussions, exhibitions, slide and film shows, and conducts study tours to historical places and cultural centers. During the last 15 years, we have conducted 23 seminars in which more than 500 Indian distinguished and 20 Western scholars participated actively.

The Institute has done pioneering work in the field of educational tours in India. Such tours were conducted to the world famous manuscript library at Tanjore (Tamil Nadu) in 1985, to Kutch (Gujarat) for the study of Indus Valley sites in 1986, to Paithan,Ter and Nashik (Maharashtra) in 1987 for a cultural study, to Karnatak (1988), Kerala (1989), Andhra Pradesh (1990), Orissa (1991), Rajasthan (1992), Madhya Pradesh(1993), Khandesh and Vidarbha (1996).

The Institute sponsered delegates to VI World Sanskrit Conference in Philadelphia, USA in this International meet.The Institute also took a group of 25 scholars to participate in the VII World Sanskrit Conference held at Leiden, Holland in 1987, and also to the IX World Sanskrit conference at Australia in 1994.

Under the stewardship of of Institute, the first nongovernmental and nonpolitical delegation of 15 members visited Mainland China in 1986.

The Institute has organised exhibitions of books and encyclopaedias in Marathi. The Institute also arranged a loan of Rs. 15,000/- each to individuals to enable them to purchase Marathi Encyclopaedias in collaboration with a Co-op. Bank. It is gratifying that about 200 sets were booked at the exhibition

The Institute, at present, is actively involved in establishing the West Coast Museum at Thane. The Institute is also taking steps to enrich its Library at Thane with more book-donations and cash donations. The Institution is already in possession of many valuable artefacts collected from Konkan area, and the Institute's library possesses about 3,000 Sanskrit manuscripts and a rich collection of about 15,000 rare books in English and Marathi.

We do not have any governmental assistance. We fully depend on voluntary individual donations. Kindly donate liberally, and the Institute in fulfilling its objectives.

"Shivshakti" Dr Bedekar's Hospital, Naupada, Thane 400 602.

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