This is an eagle with folded hands - the seal of Shilaharas - who ruled Konkan and Kolhapur from 8th to 12th Century, click for details This is an eagle with folded hands - the seal of Shilaharas - who ruled Konkan and Kolhapur from 8th to 12th Century, click for details
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   We have a few ancient civilizations of prehistoric times. There is a controversy still regarding the antiquity of civilizations. The puranas say that the Indians migrated and spread to other parts of the world. There are many similarities in the cultures of various civilizations. These have been shown and an attempt has been made to establish their links with Bharatiya Sanskriti through the sanskaras, mythology, linguistic affinities, historical facts, archaeological and other finds etc. The paper is supported by evidences from various books and journals.

   The paper attempts to give in brief the ancient Indian cultural influences on other cultures and peoples spread over the globe.

37 Sushant,
Near Joker Talkies,
Kalyan. 421 301.

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