Shriprasad D. Bavadekar
of Research in Ayurved Medicines,
Jnana Prabhodhini Samshodhan Sanstha, Pune.
Ayurveda - as the name itself suggests, is the science of life.
This science deals with every aspect of human life. It is the
system of Ayurveda to conceptualize the timely changes in society
in the light on the hard core principles.
Food is
the prime factor in human life. Ayurveda has discussed every
aspect of food. The conceptualization of new food items is one
of the important issues in it. This paper is an introduction
to the framework and logic behind the conceptualization of new
food items according to Ayurveda.
Why - It
is the method of texts to describe the 'representative sample'
in every subject. The expert vaidya is supposed to derive more
using the directions. The things, which are apart from this
representative sample, are not directly discussed in the texts.
They are labeled as Anukta.
Among the
various reasons for being Anukta, one certain factor is in availability
at the specific time.
as it is said, world is getting smaller. There are fast changes
in daily life. The changes in diet habits or food consumption
are but noticeable to medical professionals. Thus it becomes
a must to take cognizance of new food items, which are getting
an importance in society.
Is it intended
in Ayurveda - As said previously, the texts suggest the direction.
Some of the suggestive sutras are as follows:
i) Dishanaya
chaapi swayamuhet buddhimaan. Na shastramaatrashaano ch analochitaagamaha
ii) Yachchnyadapi kinchit syadanuktamiha pujitam. Vritam tadapi
yatreyahaa sadaivabhyanumanyate
iii) Suramanthasavaarishtaan lehaan churnaani ayaskrithi. Sahasrashopi
kurveet beejenaanen buddhimaan
Some examples-
The food items like Chilli Potato, some medicines like Ahiphena,
Chopachini and also diseases like Phiranga are not described
in the early texts like Charaka, Sushruta, and Vagabhatta but
they are described chronologicaly in the later texts like Bhaya
Prakasha. These are the examples, which prove that there is
tradition of Ayurveda to conceptualize the new things.
The guidelines
for conceptualization:
The general guidelines are
i) Pratyaksham hi alpamanalpamapratyakshamsti yadagamanumaaneyuktibhirupalabhyate
ii) Sarva dravyam paanchabhoutikasminnarth
The specific
guidelines about the study of food items are:
i) Dhyaneshu manseshu phaleshu chaiva shakeshu anuktamihaprameyaat
Aasvaadato butagunaishcha matva tadaadishet dravyamanalpa bhudhihi
ii) Dravyasanyogasanskaravikaraan
samavekshya cha
Yathakaranamaasaadhya bhotkrunaam chandatopi va
Anekadravyayonitvaat shasvatastaan vinirdishet
iii) Raso
nipate dravyanam vipaakaha karmanishthaya veerya yaavadadhivaasaat
sannipaataachcha upalabhyate
of a model - I would like to propose a model for detailed study
of new food items. It is totally based on the framework of Ayurvedic