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aharasambhavam vastu rogasrcaharasambhavahcaraka samhita sutrasthana 29/45

Vaidya D. P. Gadgil

According to ayurveda Diet or ahara is important for maintenance of healthy life. Not only ahara but also timings for aharasevana or also important for healthy life. This paper will elaborate the Ayurvedic concept of aharasevanakala.

In ayurveda kala is discussed under two headings- nityagakala and avasthikakala. Pala, yama, dina, ratri etc. denotes nityagakala. References of nityaga aharasevanakala are available in various Ayurvedic texts. This paper will discuss all these references and prescribe ideal timings for lunch and dinner.

Avasthikakala denotes time of specific conditions. In Ayurvedic texts different conditions are mentioned for avasthika aharasevanakala for example prasrstavinmutrata, hrdi suvimalata, ksudupagamana etc. This paper will discuss these conditions and their importance for healthy eating habits.

Reference Books:

1. carakasamhita
2. susrutasamhita
3. astangasangraha
4. astangahrdaya
5. yogaratnakara


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