This is an eagle with folded hands - the seal of Shilaharas - who ruled Konkan and Kolhapur from 8th to 12th Century, click for details This is an eagle with folded hands - the seal of Shilaharas - who ruled Konkan and Kolhapur from 8th to 12th Century, click for details
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Vaidya Himani Karmarkar
Institute of Research in Ayurved Medicines,
Jnan Prabhodhini Samshodhan Sanstha,
Pune - 411 030

Panchamruta is popular substance in Indian worshipping. It is mainly used as an offering (naivedya).

It was known by chance that this combination i.e. milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar is also advised by some eminent Ayurvedic Physicians to their patients and the empirical results were satisfactory as well as encouraging.

During the search regarding Panchamruta in Ayurvedic texts, it was found that there is hardly mention of the substance in detail though the individual ingredients are described at length.
The encouraging empirical effects of Panchamruta and surprising absence of details in Ayurvedic texts have led the way to this study.

The Study Comprises of Two Parts:

First part is literary study and second part is practical study. In first part review of classical mentions of Panchamruta in various systems of knowledge in ancient Indian traditions is presented. This part includes the compilation from Ayurvedic literature, the Jain literature, the ancient Indian classics and epics like Purana, Mahakavya etc. The compilation is then analyzed according to the necessity.

In the second part, study based on Ayurvedic philosophy of "Anukta Draya Vichar is presented. The study has two parts i.e. some basic experiments and conclusions of observations after consumption of Panchamruta (by healthy volunteers).

The Findings Can Be Summarized As Follows:

Panchamruta is Madhura in rasa, Sheeta virya and Madhura vipaka. It bears the Laghu, Sheeta, Snigdha, Mrudu, Shlakshna, Sthool, Sandra and Pichil Gunas.

The conclusions presented in the study recommend the do's and the don'ts of the Panchamruta.


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